C60, Buckminsterfullerene
Kroto Science room at Sussex University
Kroto Science Workshops with Dr Jonathan Hare
Tribute video to Sir Harry Kroto 1939 - 2016
Royal Society and Royal Society of Chemistry Tribute page to Sir Harry Kroto
Sir Harold Kroto - Nobel Lecture: Symmetry, Space, Stars and C60 (4Mb PDF)
(link to: www.nobelprize.org)
Sir Harold Kroto - Biographical & July 2012 Addendum
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Nobel Prizes: 25 years of C60
Making a model of a Bucky Ball, C60
Link to Buckminster Fuller Insititute
Information about Geodesic and other dome structures
Photo taken at the 30 years of C60: Past, Present and Future Conference July 2015, RSC London.
From left to right: HumbertoTerrones, Nicole Grobert, Harry Kroto, Daniel Ugarte, Jonathan Hare & Mauricio Terrones.
Sir Harry Kroto 1939 - 2016
From left: Bernd Eggen and Harry Kroto (Gardner Arts Centre, Sussex University ca. 1990's), right: Harry Kroto, Gill Watson (Vega Trust), Chris Ewels and Jonathan Hare (BA Festival of Science, Glasgow ca. late 1990's)